I wonder sometimes if neighborhoods still welcome new homeowners. Having lived in our home for going on 30 years I know I still welcome new families. When you think about your neighbors can be your extended family. I relied on my neighbors to make sure no one was trying to get into our house when we were away. I was grateful when they told me my children were not behaving. When a neighbor needs help, I make myself available to do so. Now just like all families, not all neighbors get along. I have a few neighbors I have butted heads with, but know we are live long neighbors we eventually came to a peaceful understanding. Shortly thereafter, we have actually helped one another.

Some neighbors have political divisions. You might have seen your neighbors putting signs up in the 2020 election. Both sides feeling very strongly about the candidate they back. This past election certainly made conversations in the neighborhood a little uncomfortable. As the year has progressed the conversations have gotten lighter. People are out working in their gardens, watching children ride their bikes, walking with other neighbors, and helping one another with larger projects.

I cannot imagine not having a neighbor on either side. I have really enjoyed being part of a community. I have formed lifelong friendships with several of my neighbors. We have celebrated the births, graduations, and marriages of our children. We have also supported one another through life’s toughest challenges. If this is not friendship, I do not know what it is.