Many homes going on the market today as selling “as-is”. What this means is the sellers are not wanting to negotiate to fix anything in the house. They are ready to be done with home and move on to their new adventure. It does not necessarily mean there is anything wrong with the home.

Keeping an open mind is important when looking at an “as-is” place. I would highly recommend getting a home inspection. A home inspection will give you information about the home to help you make a clearer decision regarding putting in an offer. You may find only minor issues which can be tackled for little to no money after you purchase the home. You may also learn of some major issues. In the event of major issues, it would be a good idea to price them out and prioritize the list. Once you have done this you can make an informed decision in moving forward with an offer or walking away. In the event there are safety issues, you may ask your agent to request the sellers to address the issues. The sellers may choose to fix the issues, give you money back at settlement so you can fix them, or they may say no. It is always worth asking.

With a good home inspector, their reports should have a lot of the items broken down and prioritized. Some home inspectors will even include links on their reports to help you do the research on the issues. The money you spend on an inspection is well worth it. Imagine buying a home without one only to realize you now have thousands of dollars to spend to make the place safe to live in.